2014 - Pure Deluxe, Vol. 2 (Best of Chill Lounge and Ambient Tunes) (16 файлов)

01 - Frank Doberitz - Sea of Love (Cosmic Model Instrumental Mix).mp3 (10.73 Mb)

02 - For Found Future - Dreamlands Harmony (Chillout Melody Mix).mp3 (10.26 Mb)

03 - Bernon - Cool Day of April (Cosmic Chillout Mix).mp3 (12.48 Mb)

04 - Wallenski - Reise.mp3 (13.32 Mb)

05 - Pascheba - Pirol.mp3 (9.5 Mb)

06 - Alexel - Brilliant Disguise.mp3 (10.15 Mb)

07 - Johannes Huppertz - Radio Paris.mp3 (9.85 Mb)

08 - The Compunist - See the Light (Rhodes Swagga Mix).mp3 (10.64 Mb)

09 - Jenny Kiwool - Smooth Delight (Vocal Lounge Mix).mp3 (11.74 Mb)

10 - Richard Bonnee - Just for You (Harmonic Chillout Cut).mp3 (10.9 Mb)

11 - Artenovum - Harmony in Paradise (Bittersweet Memories Mix).mp3 (10.94 Mb)

12 - Lebensart - Give Me the Night Again (Chillout Mix).mp3 (11.39 Mb)

13 - Jean Mare - Ageless (Allmira Enigmatic Mix).mp3 (11.21 Mb)

14 - Friendly Breaks - Birds from the North (The Forest Chillout Mix).mp3 (11.96 Mb)

15 - Mare et Monti - Just in Time (Morphing Voice Mix).mp3 (11.48 Mb)

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